Sunday, January 3, 2010

How to draw a face pencil portrait. Proportions of face

Probably, there is no adult or a child who had not tried himself as portrait painters.

Children draw mom, dad and friends. This is very good when the child tries to talk about their inner world in his paintings. It looks like - not like, these pictures are of great value.
But growing up, why some people are afraid to continue to draw, let alone show their pictures to others.
But there are many talented people who simply do not understand that in order to draw beautifully, knowledge is required. Also able student will never become a great mathematician, if not always know the depth of an exact science. First, knowledge and work, and only then the ability and talent, especially as the talented people around much more than they think.

Take a sheet of blank paper and draw a rectangle on it. Value for height and width, determine by eye or with the help of sight.
Divide the rectangle in half the horizontal and vertical lines. To help draw the oval face, draw a small arc, as shown in the right figure.
Line sockets lies in the middle of the rectangle. The distance between the eyes is usually the same as the wings and nose. Ideally, between the eyes must accommodate another eye. But do not forget that people are different and often use the sight.
To draw the same eyes, light strokes spend auxiliary lines, limiting the height of the eye. Designate the length of one eye, move this size on the other side. Now you only have to draw the eye itself, similar to the almond seed.

If we divide these pieces in half again, then we obtain the line tip of the nose and a line of hair growth. Line of the mouth will be slightly higher than half of the last part of the rectangle. The line just below the middle of the eyebrows above the second part of the face.
The structure of the nose, eyes and lips every man his own, but now, at least, you will not draw the eyes on his forehead. I understand that the nose is drawn from the eyebrows, and not from the tip of the eye.
Watch each other, the person in question, practice.
My teacher advised us to figure even to the river to take a notebook and pencil. Man jumps into water, and while he is flying, you should have time to sketch it, at least one line of catching movement.
In future articles I will focus on a more precise form of each part of the human person.


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