Today we learn how to drawing from photos. From your photographs. This is a portrait drawing by pencil, and we'll show it stage by stage - materials we take easier and we stretch employment on a part to capture each aspect of graphite portraits
Example of drawing is in the left side. It looks like very beautiful!
1. We draw a pencil a linear contour (free, by hand). Superfluous lines erase.
3. The hair is no more difficult to draw than any other facial feature, although it can take considerable time to achieve a natural look. We continue to shade dark places. Watch closely their direction: We learn to draw a graphite portrait. Thoughtfully and accurately, not to receive in drawing a sheaf of straw instead of hair. The first thing I do is shade in all the darkest tones drawing in the direction the hair lies. Closing the eyes slightly and squinting at your reference photo will help to define these areas.
4. At this stage all of us as impose strokes in a direction of growth of hair, coming back and blacking out sites. Simultaneously with it make lines longer. How dark you shade areas is obviously dependent on the colour of the hair.
5. Well, at this moment hand drawn portraits looks better). We continue work under hair style, again we black out sites of hair. At this stage of drawing of a portrait from photo
6. We finish work on a hairdress. Going back, - you must make black out layers of hair:
7. Now, by means of shading (dirty or pure - it it is unimportant) it is passable on a hairdress in a direction of growth of hair. The main thing not to suppose, that strokes were crossed, differently there will be ugly pollution. We smooth only in a direction!
8. We learn to draw a graphite portrait
So you need to open up the highlights again by dragging eraser from the light areas, into the dark
10. Now you need to learn how to draw an portrait stage by stage:
Remember - draw what you can see, not what you think you can see.
When drawing the lashes below the eye, don't have them sprouting out of the eyeball. Note the lash line. And for a more natural effect, please try to avoid the spider's legs type lash but draw them in clumps.
11. Here's the result:
12. Now it is time to work at tones of a face skin. It looks like a terminator) Is it?)
13. And here's and of work:
You make a lot of work ... uff ... I wish you good luck in graphite portraits drawing.
This lesson also about pencil drawing from photo.
Here's the video - it shows you stages of drawing of graphite portraits.